Archive for Agustus 2013

#graciaspipita #graciashiguain20

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mulai musim ini 2013/2014 Higuain pindah ke club Italia, Napoli. sedih banget ngga bisa liat Higuain di Real Madrid lagi padahal dia udah main dari tahun 2007, 7 tahun... 1-2 musim belakangan, Higuain emang suka dibench saingan sama Benzema yang posisinya sama-sama sebagai striker. bahkan musim lalu juga ada rumor kalo Higuain bakalan pindah, dan akhirnya dia pindah juga di musim ini :(( sempet ada rumor Higuain ditawar sama beberapa club besar seperti Juventus dan Arsenal tapi Napoli yang berhasil membawa Higuain ke Roma dengan transfer sebesar US$ 37 juta, transfer termahalnya Napoli dengan kontrak selama 5 tahun sampai 2017. jadi inget pertama kali suka Real Madrid karena awalnya suka Higuain duluan, liat Higuain selalu main bagus di World Cup 2010, dan akhirnya jadi suka sampe sekarang.
banyak orang yang sedih karena Higuain pindah dari Real Madrid, contohnya gue hihi. jadinya sekarang kalo mau liat Higuain main harus nonton Napoli dulu deh :(

Real Madrid official announce
He's not already exist in the squad list :( and his old number taking by Jese
when he arrive at Roma
and yes this is the truth "the real Argentina wont play at Torino (Juventus)"
using no 9
introduce to Napoli people
his lastest avatar Twitter, you look happy bro!
and also Albiol and Callejon moving to Napoli
Three Musketeers
his last goal at Real Madrid, preseason vs Bournemouth, England
i'll be missing you handsome...
you can see his first debut with Napoli vs Arsenal here
and article about Higuain - realmadridinfo : Thank You and Goodbye, Higuain – You’ll Forever Be In Our Hearts
7 years, +- 122 goals. all goals here

i'll never understand how is it possible to criticize so much a player, who has given everything for your team
a player who has fought in every game
a player who has been the protagonist of comebacks that gave leagues
a player who has scored historical goals
a player who dreamed to be here since he was a little child
luckily, the people who criticize him are a minority comparing to the people who love him
how many players achieved to be asked to stay in the club by the whole Santiago Bernabeu?
when you're one of the best forwards in the world, the critics should only make you stronger

Thank you for not giving up
Thank you for all those goals
Thank you for not choosing the fast nor easy way
Thank you for that Madridismo
Thank you for fighting
And Thank you for making happy all of us who always supported you

he came being just a boy
and he will go being a Legend...


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selamat udah bisa dapet SMA 81, semoga nanti kuliahnya bisa dpt ITB terus ke perminyakan ya. ngikutin gue aja lo!

selamat udah dapet UI, sekalian sama kado ulangtaun ke 18 hahahah